The CSPs have been behaving themselves lately, so I'm going to have to ask Yelm, Washington's crazy (American) football parents to fill in. And, oh, are they ready...ready to rumble, that is.
Yesterday's match between perennial titans Yelm Thunderers and the Lacey Bobcats turned sour when words between parents after the game devolved into a decent-sized brawl, 1 dumbass arrested, 1 parent to the hospital and several others likely to be cited at a later date, once the prosecutors sort out the run-of-the-mill idiots from the lawbreakers.
Chuck Farrar, president of the league, said there were two to four
instigators “who took a game of second- through fourth-graders way too
seriously.”Maurice Hooper, coach of the Bobcats, said he didn’t see how the
fight started, but that “there was a lot of stuff said on both sides.”“We’re grown-ups, and it’s about the kids,” he said.
Apparently, a few parents don't share that view...
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