Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Moon River...

We haven't had a good Ol' Fashioned Crazy Soccer Coach posting in awhile. This one really ices the cake, you might even say, shoots the moon. Those poor girls are going to need counseling to get the image out of their mind.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Crazy Soccer Parent of the Week!

This is one sick, rage-filled soccer mom. Thank God, she wasn't packing heat. Smacks a 68-year-old man upside the head with a chair.

Another coach in the league "said he was concerned about
parent-on-coach violence in the realm of youth sports, but he has
regrettably come to expect it."

"You get one of these parents on every team," he said. "She sounds like she went a little crazy.

Really? I've been involved in youth sports for 7 years. I have yet to see a coach smackdown.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

From the past Weekend

From this weekend's game: one of our defenders scored an own goal. Sometime after that my daughter heard one of the opposing team's parents yelling (and then laughing, apparently, at their brilliant wit) for the team "to score one of your own now."

Granted this may seem like a relatively minor CSP crime, particularly given some of the other things reported on this site. However, my daughter was clear that this was not meant in the spirit of sportsmanship.

I never cheer for another team's own goals. These are kids and scoring an own goal sucks. I've done it and it never feels good. Adults should just let own goals go unremarked.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Beat on the Coach

Yes, the coaches sometimes make mistakes. This baseball dad and his baseball-lovin' bro believe in tough love for coaches.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Time Out for Coachy

My daughter's soccer team plays another team that has developed into a quasi-rival over the past 2 seasons. Both teams are good, competitive teams and the games are often very, very close. The coach for the other team, however, is a bit of a jerk. Hey, it happens.
So, the two teams recently met up. During the first half (when it was still scoreless), the coach got upset about the officiating and started barking at the ref. Said official decided he wasn't getting paid enough to listen him and immediately told him to shut his piehole (I'm paraphrasing). The coach didn't and kept barking.

"Go sit down." (the coach had a little sideline chair set up).

"I don't want to sit down."

"Go sit down. I'm not going to listen to you."

"I DON't WANT to sit down." (His tone is sounding more and more like a petulant child)

"If you don't sit down, you're going to spend the rest of the game in the parking lot."

"I DON'T WANT TO SIT DOWN!!" (And then he stomps off to his chair and throws his ass in it ceremoniously.)

The coach spent the rest of the game with his ass parked and it greatly improved the sideline character.
The sad thing is that his team played hard, but the focus wasn't on them - it was on their coach and his antics. Too sad...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Walk Out

This is a good one. After a stream of negative comments about their soccer player kid, these parents walked out of a high school soccer game in disgust.